Regular price $200.00Becoming a member of the Jack Kerouac House of St. Petersburg is an enduring way to join our efforts to preserve Kerouac’s last residence and enhance the cultural life of the Tampa Bay. Joining “Team Kerouac” puts you in touch with a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to Jack’s legacy of exploring the richness, beauty, and mystery of our collective and personal journeys through life and provides a way to take action on such inclinations in the real world. Contact us for more details.
Membership Levels and Benefits
1. Volunteer – Free entrance to three JKHSP events per year after three hours of volunteer work.
2. Hitchhiker - $75 donation – Free entrance to three JKHSP events per year and a “Coffee and Poetry at Jack’s” coffee mug.
3. Dharma Bum - $200 donation – one private tour for up to 4 guests, three free entrances to JKHSP events, and a Coffee Mug or Kerouac House t-shirt.
4. Jazz Cat - $500 donation – one private tour for up to 4 guests, free admission to all JKHSP events for one year, a coffee mug, and a t-shirt.
5. Boddhisatva - $1000 donation – An overnight stay at the Kerouac House, free admission to all JKHSP events for one year, a coffee mug, and a t-shirt.